Princess Connect Re:Dive Wiki

Yukari is a Playable Character in Princess Connect! Re:Dive. She is a Guild Member of Mercurius Foundation.

Max Stats[]

Yukari Box Icon
Max Stats

5 ★ / Level 227 / Rank 22 Equipment / Lv 8 Bond / Include Rank Bonus
Physical Attack12806
Magic Attack20
Physical Critical434
Magic Critical0
Physical Defense924
Magic Defense1436
Physical Penetration0
Magic Penetration0
Normal Attack Speed2.4s
HP Recovery Rate39
TP Recovery Rate34
Wave HP Recovery1445
Wave TP Recovery143
HP Reduce Rate12
TP Reduce Rate5
Attack Range405
Move Speed450

5 ★ / Level 227 / Rank 22 Equipment / Lv 220 UE (Max) / Lv 8 Bond / Include Rank Bonus
Physical Attack13571
Magic Attack20
Physical Critical434
Magic Critical0
Physical Defense924
Magic Defense1472
Physical Penetration0
Magic Penetration0
Normal Attack Speed2.4s
HP Recovery Rate183
TP Recovery Rate34
Wave HP Recovery1445
Wave TP Recovery143
HP Reduce Rate12
TP Reduce Rate5
Attack Range405
Move Speed450

6 ★ / Level 227 / Rank 22 Equipment / Lv 220 UE (Max) / Max Bond Lv / Include Rank Bonus
Physical Attack15852
Magic Attack20
Physical Critical434
Magic Critical0
Physical Defense987
Magic Defense1583
Physical Penetration0
Magic Penetration0
Normal Attack Speed2.4s
HP Recovery Rate218
TP Recovery Rate34
Wave HP Recovery1445
Wave TP Recovery143
HP Reduce Rate12
TP Reduce Rate5
Attack Range405
Move Speed450

※Includes Max Bond Bonuses From All Cards

Bond Level Bonus[]

Yukari Bond Lv Bonus
2Physical Attack +15
3Physical Attack +15
4Physical Attack +30
5Physical Attack +40
6Physical Attack +60
7Physical Attack +60
8Physical Attack +90, Wave TP Recovery +60
9Physical Attack +80
10Physical Attack +140
11Physical Attack +140
12Physical Attack +240, HP Recovery Rate +5

Yukari (Christmas) Bond Lv Bonus
4Physical Attack +10
5Physical Attack +30
8Physical Attack +50


Yukari Box Icon

Union Burst
Seven Bells
Skill gold(barrier)
Rank 1
Cast Time: 0s
Deploys a Medium Icon-MNullBarrier Magic Barrier to all allies.
[Skill Value]
Deploy a Barrier over all Allies that nullifies [18 * (1 + Skill Lv)] Magical damage for 18s
Skill Animation
YukariUB (gif)

Union Burst +
Seventh Heaven
Skill gold(barrier)
Rank 1
Uncap 6★
Cast Time: 0s
Deploys a Large Icon-MNullBarrier Magic Barrier to all allies.
Apply a Large Icon-MDefUp Magic Defense to all allies.
Grants Small Icon-HPRegen Recover HP to all allies.
[Skill Value]
Deploy a Barrier over all Allies that nullifies [36 * (1 + Skill Lv)] Magical damage for 18s
Increase All Allies Magic Defense by [1.2 * (1 + Skill Lv)] for 18s
HP Recovery to All Allies by [5 * (1 + Skill Lv) + 0.25 * Physical Attack]
Skill Animation
6YukariUB (gif)

Skill 1
Skill silver(heal)
Rank 2
Cast Time: 1.4s
Grants a Medium Icon-HPRegen Recover HP to an ally with the lowest Current HP.
[Skill Value]
Recovers HP of lowest hp percentage Ally by [ Physical Attack + 7.5 * (1 + Skill Lv)]

Skill 1 +
Aquavit +
Skill silver(heal)
Rank 2 with Unique Equipment
Cast Time: 1.4s
Grants a Medium Icon-HPRegen Recover HP to an ally with the Lowest Current HP.
Applies a Icon-HPRegen HP Regenerate and Icon-MDefUp Magic Defense buff to the target.
[Skill Value]
Recovers HP of lowest hp percentage Ally by [1.2 * Physical Attack + 10 * (1 + Skill Lv)]and restores [0.5 * (1 + Skill Lv) + 0.08 * Physical Attack] HP per second for 8.5s
Raise the Magical defense of that ally by [0.8 * (1 + Skill Lv)] for 12s

Skill 2
Skill silver(mana)
Rank 4
Cast Time: 1.13s
Grants a Medium Icon-TPRegen Recover TP to an Ally with the lowest Current TP.
[Skill Value]
Restores TP of lowest percentage TP Ally by [75 + 2.5 * Skill Lv)

Ex Skill
Prelude Fizz
Skill bronze(handguard)
Rank 7
Cast Time: Passive
Medium increase to own Magic Defense at the start of battle.
[Skill Value]
Raise self Magical Defense by [2 * (1 + Skill Lv)]

Ex Skill +
Prelude Fizz +
Skill bronze(handguard)
Rank 7
Uncap 5★
Cast Time: Passive
Medium increase to own Magic Defense and Small increase to own Physical Attack at the start of battle.
[Skill Value]
Raise self Magical Defense by [2 * (1 + Skill Lv)] and Physical Attack by 225

Attack Pattern[]

Initial Pattern

Moonlight 2 → Normal Attack

Loop Pattern
Moonlight 2 → Normal AttackNormal AttackAquavit 1 → Normal Attack


Requested Equipment

Rank 1
IronBladeIcon IronBladeIcon LeatherOverallsIcon TreeShield ProtectivePendant ProtectivePendant

Rank 2
AuroraSword GearBlade ClothesofWisdom ClothesofWisdom ProtectivePendant ProtectivePendant

Rank 3
SparklingSword AuroraSword LightPlate TowerShield GreenJewel GreenJewel

Rank 4
RyuumonSword SparklingSword FashionArmor SparklingSword VictoryFriendshipBracelet VictoryFriendshipBracelet

Rank 5
FeatherBlade RyuumonSword BattlingDress GarnetShield EmeraldEarrings EmeraldEarrings

Rank 6
AngelBlade FeatherBlade CosmosCloth LionFeather OctogramPendant OctogramPendant

Rank 7
SolarSword EmpressShield InvisibleDress ScarletDiamond FeatherBlade OctogramPendant

Rank 8
IceClaymore SolarSword AngelBoots EmpressShield BangleofSubstitution GuardianoftheLionKing

Rank 9
ChaosBlade IceClaymore CrusaderPlate MythrilPlate MoonBracelet BangleofSubstitution

Rank 10
LightningBlade ChaosBlade ScarletMail CrusaderPlate CongregationPendant MoonBracelet

Rank 11
DawnHolySword LightningBlade PhantasmMail ScarletMail FairyStone CongregationPendant

Rank 12
GreatSwordOfSin DawnHolySword MaidenCloth PhantasmMail SpiritTear FairyStone

Rank 13
DivineHarborSword GreatSwordOfSin GoldKingArmor NineHeavensArmor ShieldKingBangle SpiritTear

Rank 14
OverlordDragonSword DivineHarborSword TempestArmor RageQueenDress DragonHairOrnament ShieldKingBangle

Rank 15
StarCoreSword OverlordDragonSword MirrorShield FlashBlossomArmor WallBreath DragonHairOrnament

Rank 16
RabbitGodSword StarCoreSword CelestialSaintBoot MirrorShield ElfinChoker WallBreath

Rank 17
BrilliantSword RabbitGodSword SacredLotus CelestialSaintBoot HarpBrooch ElfinChoker

Rank 18
ChocoBlade BrilliantSword IoliteShield SacredLotus EvergreenRing HarpBrooch

Rank 19
HeavenBlaze ChocoBlade ChocoMintHeels IoliteShield MacaronPendant EvergreenRing

Rank 20
CherryBlossom HeavenBlaze ScatterBlossomHat ChocoMintHeels WhirlwindEarrings MacaronPendant

Rank 21
Placeholder icon CherryBlossom Placeholder icon ScatterBlossomHat Placeholder icon WhirlwindEarrings

Unique Equipment[]

Eternal Mug
Items stat
Phy. Attack: 64 (637)
Mag. Defense: 3 (30)
HP Recov. Rate: 12 (120)
Skill Upgrade
Skill silver(heal)
Aquavit +
Large HP recovery to the ally with the lowest current HP. (Heal Increased)
Increase Target's Magical Defense by Medium Amount. (Effect Added)
Recover Target's HP over time. (Effect Added)

Other Languages[]

Language Official Name Literal Meaning
English Yukari -
Korean -

