Princess Connect Re:Dive Wiki
Princess Connect Re:Dive Wiki

Suzuna (Summer) is a Playable Character in Princess Connect! Re:Dive and the Summer Variant of Suzuna.

Max Stats[]

Suzuna (Summer) Box Icon
Max Stats

5 ★ / Level 227 / Rank 22 Equipment / Max Bond Lv / Include Rank Bonus
Physical Attack22861
Magic Attack0
Physical Critical1171
Magic Critical0
Physical Defense391
Magic Defense500
Physical Penetration0
Magic Penetration0
Normal Attack Speed1.82s
HP Recovery Rate30
TP Recovery Rate41
Wave HP Recovery3135
Wave TP Recovery135
HP Reduce Rate6
TP Reduce Rate0
Attack Range705
Move Speed450

5 ★ / Level 227 / Rank 22 Equipment / Lv 220 UE (Max) / Max Bond Lv / Include Rank Bonus
Physical Attack24009
Magic Attack0
Physical Critical1171
Magic Critical0
Physical Defense391
Magic Defense500
Physical Penetration0
Magic Penetration0
Normal Attack Speed1.82s
HP Recovery Rate30
TP Recovery Rate41
Wave HP Recovery3135
Wave TP Recovery135
HP Reduce Rate6
TP Reduce Rate12
Attack Range705
Move Speed450

※Includes Max Bond Bonuses From All Cards

Bond Level Bonus[]

Suzuna (Summer) Bond Lv Bonus
4Physical Attack +10
5Physical Attack +30
8Physical Attack +50

Suzuna Bond Lv Bonus
2Physical Attack +15
3Physical Attack +15
4Physical Attack +30
5Physical Attack +40
6Physical Attack +60
7Physical Attack +60
8Physical Attack +90, Physical Critical +10
9Physical Attack +80
10Physical Attack +120
11Physical Attack +120
12Physical Attack +200, Physical Critical +60

Suzuna (Halloween) Bond Lv Bonus
4Physical Attack +10
5Physical Attack +30
8Physical Attack +50


Suzuna (Summer) Box Icon

Union Burst
Tropical Splash
Skill gold(sword)
Rank 1
Cast Time: 0.0s
Inflict Massive Physical Damage to the frontmost enemy.
If the user has activated Summer Runway ♪ prior to this skill's activation, this skill will always critically strike.
[Skill Value]
Deals [60 + 60 * Skill Lv + 4.8 * Physical Attack] Physical Damage to the nearest enemy target. Gurantee critical hit if currently buffed with [Summer Runway ♪]
Skill Animation
SSuzunaUB (gif)

Skill 1
Tropical Darts
Skill silver(sword)
Rank 2
Cast Time: 0.9s
Inflict Small Physical Damage to the frontmost enemy 3 Times.
[Skill Value]
Deals [8 + 8 * Skill Lv + 0.6 * Physical Attack] Physical Damage to the nearest enemy target 3 times

Skill 1 +
Tropical Darts +
Skill silver(sword)
Rank 2 with Unique Equipment
Cast Time: 0.9s
Inflict Small Physical Damage to frontmost enemy 3 Times.
Apply a Medium Icon-PAtkUp Physical Attack buff to the user.
This skill always critically strikes.
[Skill Value]
Deals [10 + 10 * Skill Lv + 0.75 * Physical Attack] Physical Damage to the nearest enemy target 3 times. All hit guranteed to crit
Raise Physical Attack of self by [ 12.5 + 12.5 * Skill Lv] for 12s

Skill 2
Summer Runway ♪
Skill silver(buff)
Rank 4
Cast Time: 0.1s
Apply a Massive Icon-PAtkUp Physical Attack buff to the user.
This buff granted by the skill persists until the end of battle.
Grant a Massive Icon-TPRegen Recover TP amount to the user.
[Skill Value]
Raise Physical Attack of self by [32 + 32 * Skill Lv] for 180s
Restores 1000 TP to self.(Adjusted by Character's TP Recovery Rate)

Ex Skill
Midsummer Vibes
Skill bronze(armbuff)
Rank 7
Cast Time: 0.0s
Medium increase to own Physical Attack at the start of battle.
[Skill Value]
Raise Physical Attack of self by [15 + 15 * Skill Lv]

Ex Skill +
Midsummer Vibes +
Skill bronze(armbuff)
Rank 7
Uncap 5★
Cast Time: 0.0s
Large increase to own Physical Attack at the start of battle.
[Skill Value]
Raise Physical Attack of self by [240 + 15 * Skill Lv]

Moveset Pattern[]

Initial Pattern

Tropical Darts 1 → Normal AttackTropical Darts 1 → Normal AttackTropical Darts 1 → Normal AttackTropical Darts 1 → Normal AttackTropical Darts 1 → Summer Runway ♪ 2

Loop Pattern

Tropical Darts 1 → Normal Attack


Requested Equipment

Rank 1
HuntersBow HuntersBow LeatherOverallsIcon MotivationalBracelet HuntersBow MotivationalBracelet

Rank 2
CrystalBow CommandKnifeIcon FolkloreClothesIcon RedJewel HuntersBow MotivationalBracelet

Rank 3
PlatinumKnife CrystalBow ShinobiCostume SpikeBangle CommandKnifeIcon RedJewel

Rank 4
CupidsBow PlatinumKnife MillefeuilleCloth Opal Earrings CrystalBow SpikeBangle

Rank 5
DevilsBow CupidsBow PalaceCloth LionFeather PlatinumKnife Opal Earrings

Rank 6
LightningBow DevilsBow CosmosCloth LionFeather CupidsBow LionFeather

Rank 7
AngelBow LightningBow MonthlyGarment ScarletDiamond ScarletDiamond OctogramPendant

Rank 8
ArtemisBow AngelBow HermitClothes LightningBow ElementalHeart ScarletDiamond

Rank 9
SpiritTreeBow ArtemisBow HeavenlyRobe AngelBow SunAmulet ElementalHeart

Rank 10
LargeWhiteWingBow SpiritTreeBow DarkTerrorDress ArtemisBow CatGodPendant SunAmulet

Rank 11
AbyssBow LargeWhiteWingBow PhantasmMail SpiritTreeBow MilleniumEarrings Firering

Rank 12
CrimsonHeavenBow AbyssBow NineHeavensArmor LargeWhiteWingBow FuryDragonPendant MilleniumEarrings

Rank 13
ArmoredBow CrimsonHeavenBow DemonFightSuit AbyssBow WargodArm FuryDragonPendant

Rank 14
IceBow ArmoredBow DarkRobe CrimsonHeavenBow FireHairpin WargodArm

Rank 15
StarCoreBow IceBow AzurRondo ArmoredBow ScarletDragonRing FireHairpin

Rank 16
FalconBow StarCoreBow EasternCelestialDress IceBow RubyChoker ScarletDragonRing

Rank 17
SapirosBow FalconBow WhiteMistDress StarCoreBow ClarionBrooch RubyChoker

Rank 18
CandyBow SapirosBow CoralDress FalconBow RubyRoseRing ClarionBrooch

Rank 19
Placeholder icon CandyBow Placeholder icon SapirosBow Placeholder icon RubyRoseRing

Unique Equipment[]

Summer Bow - Splash Heart
Items stat
Phy. Attack: 96 (1004)
TP Cost Reduc.: 1 (11)
Skill Upgrade
Skill icon (sword)
Tropical Darts +
Inflict Physical Damage to Nearest Enemy 3 Times. (Damage increased)
Increase Own Physical Attack by Medium Amount. (Effect Added)
Guaranteed Critical Hits. (Effect Added)

Other Languages[]

Language Official Name Literal Meaning
English Suzuna (Summer) -
Suzuna (Samaa)
Korean -

