Princess Connect Re:Dive Wiki

Neneka is a Playable Character in Princess Connect! Re:Dive. A mysterious woman who has the ability to shapeshift, she observes events as they unfold.

She is one of the Seven Crowns, known as the "Metamorph Monarch". She was also one of the former antagonists in Princess Connect!, and the former Guild Master of Kaleidoscope.

Max Stats[]

Neneka Box Icon
Max Stats

5 ★ / Level 227 / Rank 22 Equipment / Max Bond Lv / Include Rank Bonus
Physical Attack0
Magic Attack23083
Physical Critical0
Magic Critical1590
Physical Defense275
Magic Defense392
Physical Penetration0
Magic Penetration0
Normal Attack Speed2s
HP Recovery Rate45
TP Recovery Rate32
Wave HP Recovery1280
Wave TP Recovery582
HP Reduce Rate6
TP Reduce Rate17
Attack Range660
Move Speed450

5 ★ / Level 227 / Rank 22 Equipment / Lv 220 UE (Max) / Max Bond Lv / Include Rank Bonus
Physical Attack0
Magic Attack24171
Physical Critical0
Magic Critical1758
Physical Defense275
Magic Defense392
Physical Penetration0
Magic Penetration0
Normal Attack Speed2s
HP Recovery Rate45
TP Recovery Rate44
Wave HP Recovery1280
Wave TP Recovery582
HP Reduce Rate6
TP Reduce Rate17
Attack Range660
Move Speed450

※Includes Max Bond Bonuses From All Cards

Bond Level Bonus[]

Neneka Bond Lv Bonus
4Magic Attack +60
5Magic Attack +80, Wave TP Recovery +60
8Magic Attack +120, Wave TP Recovery +150

Neneka (New Year) Bond Lv Bonus
4Magic Attack +10
5Magic Attack +30
8Magic Attack +50


Neneka Box Icon

Union Burst
Mirror Mirror
Skill gold(transform)
Rank 1
Cast Time: 0s
Summons a Clone with Identical Stats and Action Patterns as Herself. Creates a Icon-TPRegen TP Gain Rate and Large Icon-MAtkUp Magic Attack Buff Field.
[Skill Value]
Summons a Clone at[200]range in front of her and deploys a field of raidus[400] at position of Self that raises Magical Attack by[28.0+28.0*Skill Lv.]for[18.0]sec and TP Recovery Rate by [15]for[18.0]sec
Skill Animation
NenekaUB (gif)

Skill 1
Satellite Ray
Skill silver(staff)
Rank 2
Cast Time: 0.75s
Inflicts Moderate Magic Damage to All Enemies within the Radius in Front. Inflicts Icon-Stun Stun on Targets
[Skill Value]
Deal[20.0+20.0*Skill Lv+1.6*Magical Attack]Magical damage to the nearest enemies targets in[200]range and stun them for [0.5]sec

Skill 1
Satellite Ray+
Skill silver(staff)
Rank 2 with Unique Equipment
Cast Time: 0.75s
Inflicts Large Magic Damage to All Enemies within the Radius in Front. Inflicts Icon-Stun Stun and Icon-MDefDown Magic Defense on Targets
[Skill Value]
Deals [30.0 + (30.0 * Skill Lv) + 2.4 * Magical Attack] Magical damage to all enemies within [250] range, stunning them for 1.5 seconds
Reduces Magical defense of enemies hit by [0.2 * (0.2 * Skill Lv)], lasting 12 seconds

Skill 2
Instance Gem
Skill silver(staff)
Rank 4
Cast Time: 1.35s
Inflicts Medium Magic Damage to 1 Enemy in Front. Inflict Small Icon-MDefDown Magic Defense to Target.
[Skill Value]
Deals [15.0+15.0*Skill Lv+1.2*Magical Attack] Magical damage to the nearest enemy target and reduces his Magical Defense by [0.6+0.6*Skill Lv.] for [12.0] sec

Ex Skill
Skill bronze(mana buff)
Rank 7
Cast Time: Passive
Medium increase to own Magical Attack at the start of battle.
[Skill Value]
Raises Magical Attack by[15.0+15.0*Skill Lv]

Ex Skill +
Phantasmagoria +
Skill bronze(mana buff)
Rank 7 + Reach 5★
Cast Time: Passive
Large increase to own Magical Attack at the start of battle.
[Skill Value]
Raises Magical Attack by[240.0+15.0*Skill Lv]

Moveset Pattern[]

Initial Pattern

Instance Gem 2 → Satellite Ray 1

Loop Pattern

Normal AttackSatellite Ray 1 → Normal AttackInstance Gem 2 → Satellite Ray 1 → Normal AttackNormal AttackSatellite Ray 1 → Instance Gem 2 → Normal AttackSatellite Ray 1


Requested Equipment

Rank 1
WandofFragrantWood WandofFragrantWood JourneyRobe FashionableBeret FightingBracelet FightingBracelet

Rank 2
LittleDragonRod GreenRod SpringColorRobe WitchBoots FightingBracelet FightingBracelet

Rank 3
ThornBloodRod LittleDragonRod NordicRobe NunsHood MagicGlasses MagicGlasses

Rank 4
FlowerBudWand ThornBloodRod WitchHeadband WitchHeadband MagicMonocle MagicMonocle

Rank 5
DevilsHorn FlowerBudWand CupidRobe WitchHat TurquoiseEarrings TurquoiseEarrings

Rank 6
FuryRod DevilsHorn PhilosophersRobe WitchHat CupidRobe SorcerersGlasses

Rank 7
RodofSun FuryRod DaemonsRobe LaurelsSorrow DevilsHorn SorcerersGlasses

Rank 8
JusticeGodsStaff RodofSun PopesHood FuryRod MourningCrescentMoon LaurelsSorrow

Rank 9
HighDevilWand JusticeGodsStaff NecromancerBoots RodofSun DragonsTear MourningCrescentMoon

Rank 10
XenosphereRod HighDevilWand AquariusBoots JusticeGodsStaff BigWarriorsGem DragonsTear

Rank 11
GenesisRod XenosphereRod MourningCrown HighDevilWand OceanEarrings BigWarriorsGem

Rank 12
KeraunosWand GenesisRod EmpressRobe XenosphereRod DivineBeastPrayer OceanEarrings

Rank 13
SerpentStaff KeraunosWand ExomagiaRobe GenesisRod SophosBracelet DivineBeastPrayer

Rank 14
AbyssMoonStaff SerpentStaff ProsperityVeil KeraunosWand IceRibbon SophosBracelet

Rank 15
ElegantButterflyStaff AbyssMoonStaff AstroRobe SerpentStaff CrystalizedXenocrystal IceRibbon

Rank 16
BlackFlameStaff ElegantButterflyStaff WesternCelestialRobe AbyssMoonStaff ChaoticChoker CrystalizedXenocrystal

Rank 17
BlackPearlStaff BlackFlameStaff TulipDress ElegantButterflyStaff NoctureBrooch ChaoticChoker

Rank 18
Placeholder icon BlackPearlStaff Placeholder icon BlackFlameStaff DiamondStar NoctureBrooch

Unique Equipment[]

Wand of Mirage
Items stat
Magic Attack: 91 (1088)
Magic Crit Rate: 14 (168)
TP Boost: 1 (12)
Skill Upgrade
Skill silver(staff)
Satellite Ray +
Inflicts Large Magic Damage to All Enemies within the Radius in Front. (Damage Increased)
Then Inflicts Icon-Stun Stun (Stun lasts longer) and Icon-MDefDown Magic DefenseMagic Defense Down
Increase Magic Damage taken. on Targets (Effect added)

Gameplay Notes[]

Role-support Magic Attacker/Magic Support
  • UB can summon a copy of herself that does same moves and have the same stats as her.
  • The clone can also tank some hits as the clone will always be in front of her.
  • UB's field gives Icon-TPRegen TP Gain Rate and Icon-MAtkUp Magic Attack for allies within the field.
  • UB field's effects stack, which could make allies' TP Boost and firepower skyrocket.
  • Skill 1 able to inflict Icon-Stun Stun, which is useful in some situations.
  • Skill 2 able to inflict Icon-MDefDown Magic Defense, enhancing the damage output from both herself and her teammates.
  • Relatively low P.Def and M.Def stat.
  • Being at the front of Backline could make her more susceptible to AoE Damage.
Unique Equipment
  • Skill 1 now also reduces Icon-MDefDown Magic Defense.
  • UE provides Neneka even more TP Boost stat, giving her faster UB timings. (becoming even more broken because she's already broken enough)
  • Icon-Stun Stun time increased from 0.5 sec to 1.5 secs.
6★ Ascension
  • This Character has yet to receive their 6★ Upgrade.

Other Languages[]

Language Official Name Literal Meaning
English Neneka -
Korean 네네카
sì sì huā
sì sì huā

