Cast Time: 0s Inflicts Physical Damage to All Enemies Within the Range Centered on the Enemies that are Second Closest to Misogi
[Skill Value] Deals [20.4 * (1 + Skill Lv) + 1.62 * Physical Attack] Physical damage to enemies within 300 range to 2nd nearest enemy
Skill Animation
Union Burst + Trick Heart
Rank 1
Cast Time: 0s Deals large Physical Damage to all enemies, and greatly reduces Physical AttackPhysical Attack Down Decrease Damage for Physical Attack and HP Recovery Skill Effect for Physical Unit. and Physical Crit RatePhysical Critical Rate Down Decrease chance of Critical Hit for Physical Damage.. Additionally, all enemies are inflicted with a Physical Crit DamagePhysical Critical Damage Down Decrease Physical Damage deal when Critical Hit landed. debuff.
[Skill Value] - Deals [27 * (1 + Skill Lv) + 2.16 * Physical Attack] Physical damage to all enemies - Reduces their Physical Attack by [30 * (1 + Skill Lv)] for 18s - Reduces their Physical Crit Rate by [100 + 1.25 * Skill Lv] and Physical Crit Damage by 25% for 18s
Skill Animation
Skill 1 Ink Shooter
Rank 2
Cast Time: 1.55s Inflicts Small Physical Damage to the Second Closest Enemy to Misogi. Inflict BlindBlind Physical Attack have a chance to Miss. to target
[Skill Value] Deals [8 * (1 + Skill Lv) + 0.6 * Physical Attack] Physical damage to 2nd nearest enemy 100% chance to inflict Blind on target for 8s, cause Physical Attack to miss 30% of the time
Skill 1 + Ink Shooter +
Rank 2 with Unique Equipment
Cast Time: 1.55s Inflicts Medium Physical Damage to the Second Closest Enemy to Misogi. Then Decrease All Enemies within Radius's Physical Attack by Small amount. Inflict BlindBlind Physical Attack have a chance to Miss. to main target.
[Skill Value] Deals [20 * (1 + Skill Lv) + 1.6 * Physical Attack] Physical damage to 2nd nearest enemy 100% chance to inflict Blind on target for 10s, cause Physical Attack to miss 20% of the time Reduce Physical Attack of enemies within 200 range to 2nd nearest enemy by [5 * (1 + Skill Lv)] for 180s
Skill 2 Water Balloon
Rank 4
Cast Time: 1.18s Inflicts Small Physical Damage to the Enemy with the Highest Physical Attack Small Reduction to Targets Physical AttackPhysical Attack Down Decrease Damage for Physical Attack and HP Recovery Skill Effect for Physical Unit. Increase own Physical AttackPhysical Attack Up Increase Damage for Physical Attack and HP Recovery Skill Effect for Physical Unit. by Small amount.
[Skill Value] Deals [10 + (1 * Skill Lv) + 0.8 * Physical Attack] to highest Physical Attack enemy Reduce Physical Attack of target by [3.75 * (1 + Skill Lv)] for 99s Raise self Physical Attack by [5.5 * (1 + Skill Lv)] for 99s
Ex Skill Trap Expert
Rank 7
Cast Time: Passive Medium increase to own Physical Defense at start of battle
Medium Physical Damage to the Second Closest Enemy to Misogi. Target are Blinded. (Damage Increased) Then Decrease All Enemies within Radius's Physical Attack by Small amount. (Effect Added)
Gameplay Notes[]
Physical Attacker/Debuffer
Great at AOE debuffing enemies.
Can reduce one enemy's Physical AttackPhysical Attack Down Decrease Damage for Physical Attack and HP Recovery Skill Effect for Physical Unit. for a whole round.
Easily capable of blinding half the enemy wave as her BlindBlind Physical Attack have a chance to Miss. ability is cast very frequently.
Her UB can easily hit most, if not all, enemies in the wave.
Low Damage Output
Poor positioning for her kit and poor synergy with TP Boosting Characters
Unique Equipment
Skill 1 now also reduce enemy around the main target's Physical AttackPhysical Attack Down Decrease Damage for Physical Attack and HP Recovery Skill Effect for Physical Unit..
6★ Ascension
UB now does damage to all enemies instead of AOE on the 2nd Enemy at the front
UB now also inflicts Physical Crit RatePhysical Critical Rate Down Decrease chance of Critical Hit for Physical Damage. and Physical AttackPhysical Attack Down Decrease Damage for Physical Attack and HP Recovery Skill Effect for Physical Unit. Debuff.