Cast Time: 0s Inflicts Medium Physical Damage to the frontmost enemy, then inflicts Large Physical Damage to the 2nd closest enemy. If there is only one target, both attacks will hit the same target.
Cast Time: 0s Inflicts Medium Physical Damage to enemies in the frontline, then Inflicts Large Physical Damage to enemies nearby the 2nd closest enemy. If there is only one target, both attacks will hit the same target.
[Skill Value] Deals [30 + 30 * Skill Lv + 2.4 * Physical Attack] Physical Damage front enemies within 900 range Deals [54 + 54 * Skill Lv + 4.6 * Physical Attack] Physical Damage to enemies within 275 range to 2nd nearest enemy
Skill Animation
Skill 1 Pyon Pyon Attack
Rank 2
Cast Time: 0.85s Inflicts Medium Physical Damage to the frontmost enemy.
[Skill Value] Perform a backstep, then jump to the nearest enemy and deal [20 * (Skill Lv + 1) + 1.6 * Physical Attack] Physical Damage. Returns to original position after attack is completed.
Skill 1 + Pyon Pyon Attack +
Rank 2 with Unique Equipment
Cast Time: 0.85s Inflicts Large Physical Damage to all enemies within the frontline.
[Skill Value] Perform a backstep, then jump to the nearest enemy and deal [27 * (Skill Lv + 1) + 2.1 * Physical Attack] Physical Damage to all enemies within 500 range. Returns to original position after attack is completed.
Skill 2 Usagi-san Cheer
Rank 4
Cast Time: 0.42s Applies a Small Physical AttackPhysical Attack Up Increase Damage for Physical Attack and HP Recovery Skill Effect for Physical Unit. buff to all allies.
[Skill Value] Raises the Physical Attack of all allies by [3 + 3 * Skill Lv], lasting 12 seconds
Ex Skill Usagi-san Power
Rank 7
Cast Time: Passive Medium increase to own Physical Attack at the start of battle.