Princess Connect Re:Dive Wiki

Makoto is a Playable Character in both Princess Connect! and Princess Connect! Re:Dive. A wild yet compassionate wolf girl, she is a Guild Member of Caon and Yui's best friend.

Max Stats[]

Makoto Box Icon
Max Stats

5 ★ / Level 227 / Rank 22 Equipment / Max Bond Lv / Include Rank Bonus
Physical Attack23548
Magic Attack0
Physical Critical1822
Magic Critical0
Physical Defense407
Magic Defense292
Physical Penetration0
Magic Penetration0
Normal Attack Speed2.125s
HP Recovery Rate43
TP Recovery Rate47
Wave HP Recovery1280
Wave TP Recovery102
HP Reduce Rate12
TP Reduce Rate0
Attack Range165
Move Speed450

5 ★ / Level 227 / Rank 22 Equipment / Lv 220 UE (Max) / Max Bond Lv / Include Rank Bonus
Physical Attack24743
Magic Attack0
Physical Critical1966
Magic Critical0
Physical Defense407
Magic Defense292
Physical Penetration0
Magic Penetration0
Normal Attack Speed2.125s
HP Recovery Rate43
TP Recovery Rate47
Wave HP Recovery1280
Wave TP Recovery102
HP Reduce Rate12
TP Reduce Rate0
Attack Range165
Move Speed450

※Includes Max Bond Bonuses From All Cards

Bond Level Bonus[]

Makoto Bond Lv Bonus
2Physical Attack +15
3Physical Attack +15
4Physical Attack +30
5Physical Attack +40
6Physical Attack +40, Physical Critical +10
7Physical Attack +40, Physical Critical +10
8Physical Attack +80, Physical Critical +15

Makoto (Summer) Bond Lv Bonus
4Physical Attack +10
5Physical Attack +30
8Physical Attack +50

Makoto (Cinderella) Bond Lv Bonus
4Physical Attack +10
5Physical Attack +30
8Physical Attack +50


Makoto Box Icon

Union Burst
Wolfen Bite
Skill gold(sword)
Rank 1
Cast Time: 0s
Inflicts Large Physical Damage to the foremost enemy.
Reduce the target's Icon-PDefDown Physical Defense by a Large amount.
[Skill Value]
Deals [45 * (1 + Skill Lv) + 3.6 * Physical Attack] Physical damage to the nearest enemy
Reduces target's Physical Defence by [0.9 * (1 + Skill Lv)]
Skill Animation
MakotoUB (gif)

Skill 1
Hard Slash
Skill icon (sword)
Rank 2
Cast Time: 1.125s
Inflicts Moderate Physical Damage to the foremost enemy.
[Skill Value]
Deals [20 * (1 + Skill Lv) + 1.6 * Physical Attack] Physical damage to the nearest enemy

Skill 1 +
Hard Slash +
Skill icon (sword)
Rank 2 with Unique Equipment
Cast Time: 1.125s
Inflicts Large Physical Damage to the foremost enemy.
Increase own Icon-PAtkUp Physical Attack by a Small amount.
[Skill Value]
Deals [25 * (1 + Skill Lv) + 2 * Physical Attack] Physical damage to the nearest enemy
Raise self Physical Attack by [7.5 * (1 + Skill Lv)] for 12s

Skill 2
Brave Howling
Skill silver(debuff)
Rank 4
Cast Time: 1.895s
Reduce Icon-PDefDown Physical Defense of the foremost enemy by a Moderate amount.
[Skill Value]
Reduces Physical Defence of the nearest enemy target by [0.8 * (1 + Skill Lv)] for 12s

Ex Skill
Wolf's Blow
Skill Silver(armbuff)
Rank 7
Cast Time: Passive
Moderate increase to own Physical Attack at the start of battle.
[Skill Value]
Raise self Physical Attack by [15 * (1 + Skill Lv)]

Ex Skill +
Wolf's Blow +
Skill Silver(armbuff)
Rank 7 + Reach 5★
Cast Time: Passive
Large increase to own Physical Attack at the start of battle.
[Skill Value]
Raise self Physical Attack by [15 * (16 + Skill Lv)]

Attack Pattern[]

Initial Pattern

Brave Howling 2→ Hard Slash 1

Loop Pattern

Normal AttackNormal AttackBrave Howling 2→ Normal AttackHard Slash 1


Requested Equipment

Rank 1
IronBladeIcon IronBladeIcon LeatherOverallsIcon TreeShield IronBladeIcon MotivationalBracelet

Rank 2
CrescentSwordIcon GearBlade ClothesofWisdom LegionHelm IronBladeIcon MotivationalBracelet

Rank 3
SparklingSword CrescentSwordIcon LightPlate TowerShield GearBlade RedJewel

Rank 4
MoonlightSword SparklingSword FashionArmor Opal Earrings CrescentSwordIcon SpikeBangle

Rank 5
ThunderGodSword MoonlightSword BattlingDress GarnetShield SparklingSword Opal Earrings

Rank 6
ButterflyKatana ThunderGodSword HeavyMetalArmor GarnetShield MoonlightSword LionFeather

Rank 7
BrightSword ButterflyKatana InvisibleDress GuardianoftheLionKing ThunderGodSword LionFeather

Rank 8
HawkGodsSword BrightSword MythrilPlate ButterflyKatana ElementalHeart ScarletDiamond

Rank 9
PhoenixSword HawkGodsSword VioletArmor BrightSword SunAmulet ElementalHeart

Rank 10
MomokaWhiteShrineSword PhoenixSword DarkTerrorDress HawkGodsSword CatGodPendant SunAmulet

Rank 11
FlowingAzureBlade MomokaWhiteShrineSword PhantasmMail PhoenixSword Millenium Earrings Firering

Rank 12
BloodRavenBlade FlowingAzureBlade NineHeavensArmor MomokaWhiteShrineSword FuryDragonPendant Millenium Earrings

Rank 13
FireGodBlade BloodRavenBlade RageQueenDress FlowingAzureBlade WargodArm FuryDragonPendant

Rank 14
EmeraldWindGodSword FireGodBlade FlashBlossomArmor BloodRavenBlade FireHairpin WargodArm

Rank 15
BranchBlade EmeraldWindGodSword SoulRose FireGodBlade ScarletDragonRing FireHairpin

Rank 16
ProsperousBlade BranchBlade SouthernCelestialArmor EmeraldWindGodSword RubyChoker ScarletDragonRing

Rank 17
ScarletMoonBlade ProsperousBlade LilyPlate BranchBlade ClarionBrooch RubyChoker

Rank 18
SoftIceSherbet ScarletMoonBlade PlatinumMail ProsperousBlade RubyRoseRing ClarionBrooch

Rank 19
SummerBlossom SoftIceSherbet ChocolateMail ScarletMoonBlade PopcornNecklace RubyRoseRing

Rank 20
EveningBlossomBlade SummerBlossom EveningBlossomArmor SoftIceSherbet HeavenHellEarrings PopcornNecklace

Rank 21
Placeholder icon EveningBlossomBlade Placeholder icon SummerBlossom Placeholder icon HeavenHellEarrings

Unique Equipment[]

Wolfen Blade
Items stat
Physical Attack: 100
Physical Critical Rate: 12
Skill Upgrade
Skill icon (sword)
Hard Slash +
Inflicts Large Physical Damage to one Enemy in the Front. (Damage Increased)
Increase Own Physical Attack by Medium Amount. (Effect Added)

Other Languages[]

Language Official Name Literal Meaning
English Makoto -
Korean -
zhēn qín
zhēn qín

