Cast Time: 0.0s Inflicts Magical Damage to All Enemies within Radius 5 Times Damage is Based on How Many Omeme-chan are Summoned
[Skill Value] [1]Raises Parameter 3 of [Action 3]by[0.12*Omeme-chans Count]
[2]Deals[4.2+4.2*Skill Lv.+0.45*Magical Attack]Magical damage to enemy targets within[200]range
Skill Animation
Skill 1 Omeme-chan's Turn!
Rank 2
Cast Time: 1.7325s Summons an Omeme-chan (Capped at 5). Omeme-chans Retaliate any Damage that Lou Takes (Retaliate Damage is Set Amount of Pure Damage) One Omeme-chan will be used for each Hit Taken
[Skill Value] Deploys a Shield over Self that reflects[30.0+30.0*Skill Lv] of received damage
Skill 1 + Omeme-chan's Turn! +
Rank 2 with Unique Equipment
Cast Time: 1.7325s Summons Omeme-chans (Capped at 5). Increase own Magic Attack by a Medium Amount, Stackable and lasting for the whole round. Omeme-chans will Retaliate any Damage that Lou takes. (Retaliate Damage is a Set Amount of Pure Damage) One Omeme-chan will be used for each Hit taken.
[Skill Value] [1]Deploys a Shield over Self that reflects[30.0+30.0*Skill Lv] of received damage
[2]Raises the Magical Attack of Self by[10.0+10.0*Skill Lv]for [90.0]sec
Skill 2 Beginner's Luck
Rank 4
Cast Time: 1.19s Inflicts Large Magic Damage to one Enemy in Front
[Skill Value] Deals [24.0+24.0*Skill Lv.+2.0*Magical Attack]Magical damage to the nearest enemy target
Ex Skill Never Give Up
Rank 7
Cast Time: Passive Medium increase to own Magic Attack at the start of battle.
Summons 2 Omeme-chans (Capped at 5). (Number Increased) Increase own Magic Attack by a Medium Amount, Stackable and lasting for the whole round. (Effect Added) Omeme-chans Retaliate any Damage that Lou takes. (Retaliate Damage is a Set Amount of Pure Damage) One Omeme-chan will be used for each Hit taken.