Princess Connect Re:Dive Wiki

Labyrista is a character in Princess Connect! and a Playable Character in Princess Connect! Re:Dive. She is the Guild Master of Labyrinth and is one of the Seven Crowns. She is also known as Queen Labyrinth.

Max Stats[]

Labyrista Box Icon
Max Stats

5 ★ / Level 227 / Rank 22 Equipment / Max Bond Lv / Include Rank Bonus
Physical Attack20191
Magic Attack0
Physical Critical1133
Magic Critical0
Physical Defense631
Magic Defense522
Physical Penetration0
Magic Penetration0
Normal Attack Speed1.55s
HP Recovery Rate40
TP Recovery Rate34
Wave HP Recovery1215
Wave TP Recovery535
HP Reduce Rate17
TP Reduce Rate0
Attack Range560
Move Speed450

※Includes Max Bond Bonuses From All Cards

Bond Level Bonus[]

Labyrista Bond Lv Bonus
4Physical Attack +60
5Physical Attack +80, Wave TP Recovery +60
8Physical Attack +120, Wave TP Recovery +150


Labyrista Box Icon

Union Burst
Object Creation
Skill gold(transform)
Rank 1
Cast Time: 0.0s
Massive Icon-PAtkUp Physical Attack and Icon-CritRateUp Physical Crit Rate Buff to Self.
Create Field Effect that Increases Icon-PCritDMGUp Physical Crit Damage of All Allies.
Enter Seven Crowns Privilege Mode, Changing own Moveset Pattern and Skill.
[Skill Value]
Physical Attack Buff = 60 x (Skill Level + 1), Lasts 24 Seconds
Physical Crit Rate Buff = 200, Lasts 24 Seconds
Critical Damage Buff = 5%, Lasts 180 Seconds
Skill Animation
LabyristaUB (gif)

Special Skill 1
Skill silver(transform)
Rank 1
Seven Crowns Privilege Mode
Cast Time: 0.59s
Inflict Massive Physical Damage to All Enemies.
Remove Field Effect created by Object Creation.
Exit Seven Crowns Privilege Mode, Changing own Moveset Pattern and Skill back.
Remove all TP in own TP Gauge.
[Skill Value]
Physical Damage = 60 x (Skill Level + 1) + (Physical Attack x 4.8)
TP Loss = 1000

Skill 1
Optimize (Normal) / Acceleration (Seven Crowns Privilege)
Skill silver(buff)
Rank 2
Cast Time: 0.59s / 0.59s
Large Icon-PAtkUp Physical Attack Buff to All Allies.
Medium Icon-CritRateUp Physical Crit Rate to All Allies.
Massive Icon-PAtkUp Physical Attack Buff to All Allies.
Medium Icon-CritRateUp Physical Crit Rate Buff to All Allies.
Medium Icon-ActSpeedUp Action Speed Buff to All Allies.
[Skill Value]
Physical Attack Buff (Optimize) = 10 x (Skill Level + 1), Lasts 12 Seconds
Physical Crit Rate Buff (Optimize) = 50, Lasts 12 Seconds
Physical Attack Buff (Acceleration) = 20 x (Skill Level + 1), Lasts 12 Seconds
Physical Crit Rate Buff (Acceleration) = 75, Lasts 12 Seconds
Action Speed Buff = 50%, Lasts 12 Seconds

Skill 2
Build (Normal) / Export (Seven Crowns Privilege)
Skill silver(sword)
Rank 4
Cast Time: 0.59s / 0.59s
Inflict Medium Physical Damage to one enemy in front.
Inflict Small Icon-PDefDown Physical Defense Debuff to target.
Inflict Large Physical Damage to one enemy in front.
Inflict Small Icon-PDefDown Physical Defense Debuff to target.
[Skill Value]
Physical Damage (Build) = 20 x (Skill Level + 1) + (Physical Attack x 1.6)
Physical Defense Debuff (Build) = 0.4 x (Skill Level + 1), Lasts 12 Seconds
Physical Damage (Export) = 40 x (Skill Level + 1) + (Physical Attack x 3.2)
Physical Defense Debuff (Export) = 0.6 x (Skill Level + 1), Lasts 12 Seconds

Ex Skill
Queen's Domain
Skill bronze(armbuff)
Rank 7
Cast Time: 0.0s
Medium increase to own Physical Attack at the start of battle.
[Skill Value]
Physical Attack Up = 15 x (Skill Level +1)

Ex Skill +
Queen's Domain +
Skill bronze(armbuff)
Rank 7
Uncap 5★
Cast Time: 0.0s
Large increase to own Physical Attack at the start of battle.
[Skill Value]
Physical Attack Up = 240 + 15 x (Skill Level)

Attack Pattern[]

Initial Pattern
Build 2 → Optimize 1
Loop Pattern
Normal AttackBuild 2 → Normal AttackOptimize 1 → Normal AttackBuild 2 → Optimize 1
Loop Pattern (Seven Crowns Privilege Mode)
Export 2 → Acceleration 1 → Export 2 → Acceleration 1 → Export 2 → Acceleration 1 → Initialize SP1
*Note that After 6th action in Privilege Mode, Labyrista will always attempt to use Initialize even if the 7th action was interrupted by Stun.


Requested Equipment

Rank 1
IronBladeIcon IronBladeIcon LeatherOverallsIcon TreeShield KillerPencil ProtectivePendant

Rank 2
AuroraSword GearBlade ScaleMail LegionHelm KillerPencil MotivationalBracelet

Rank 3
SparklingSword AuroraSword LightPlate TowerShield GearBlade RedJewel

Rank 4
RyuumonSword SparklingSword GorgeousArmor EmeraldEarrings VictoryFriendshipBracelet SpikeBangle

Rank 5
FeatherBlade RyuumonSword BattlingDress GarnetShield PlatinumKnife Opal Earrings

Rank 6
AngelBlade FeatherBlade HeavyMetalArmor GarnetShield LionFeather LionFeather

Rank 7
SolarSword AngelBlade AngelArmor ScarletDiamond VampireDagger OctogramPendant

Rank 8
IceClaymore SolarSword VermilionPlate EmpressShield ElementalHeart ScarletDiamond

Rank 9
ChaosBlade IceClaymore GuardianShield AngelBoots SunAmulet ElementalHeart

Rank 10
LightningBlade ChaosBlade ScarletMail GuardianShield Firering SunAmulet

Rank 11
DawnHolySword LightningBlade PhantasmMail ScarletMail MilleniumEarrings Firering

Rank 12
GreatSwordOfSin DawnHolySword MaidenCloth PhantasmMail FuryDragonPendant MilleniumEarrings

Rank 13
DivineHarborSword GreatSwordOfSin RageQueenDress NineHeavensArmor WargodArm FuryDragonPendant

Rank 14
OverlordDragonSword DivineHarborSword FlashBlossomArmor RageQueenDress FireHairpin WargodArm

Rank 15
StarCoreSword OverlordDragonSword SilverArmor FlashBlossomArmor ScarletDragonRing FireHairpin

Rank 16
RabbitGodSword StarCoreSword NorthernCelestialArmor SilverArmor RubyChoker ScarletDragonRing

Rank 17
BrilliantSword RabbitGodSword ThornArmor NorthernCelestialArmor ClarionBrooch RubyChoker

Rank 18
ChocoBlade BrilliantSword HolyGoldArmor ThornArmor RubyRoseRing ClarionBrooch

Rank 19
HeavenBlaze ChocoBlade StrawberryArmor HolyGoldArmor PopcornNecklace RubyRoseRing

Rank 20
CherryBlossom HeavenBlaze BlossomLayeredArmor StrawberryArmor HeavenHellEarrings PopcornNecklace

Rank 21
Placeholder icon CherryBlossom Placeholder icon BlossomLayeredArmor Placeholder icon HeavenHellEarrings

Unique Equipment[]

Items stat
Skill Upgrade
Skill silver(buff)
Optimize + (Normal) / Acceleration + (Seven Crowns Privilege)
Coming soon.

Gameplay Notes[]

Role-support Physical Support/Physical Attacker
  • UB massively increases her own Icon-PAtkUp Physical Attack and Icon-CritRateUp Physical Crit Rate while granting all allies Icon-PCritDMGUp Physical Crit Damage increase and also entering Privilege mode.
  • Skill 1 able to inflict Icon-PDefDown Physical Defense Down and its potency increases within Privilege mode.
  • Skill 2 able to increase Icon-PAtkUp Physical Attack and Icon-CritRateUp Physical Crit Rate for All Allies, while she is in Privilege mode, she increases the Icon-ActSpeedUp Action Speed of all allies and the potency of existing buffs are increased.
  • She deals insane damage when she uses Initialize.
  • Aggressive support that is only focused on increasing allies' firepower.
  • She lose all of her TP after using Initialize on her 7th move after her UB and exits Privilege mode.
  • Icon-ActSpeedUp Action Speed from Privilege mode Skill 1 is only mediocre compared to other characters, and since most Icon-ActSpeedUp Action Speed effects do not overlap, she can "slow down" other characters.
Unique Equipment
  • This Character has yet to receive their Unique Equipment.
6★ Ascension
  • This Character has yet to receive their 6★ Upgrade.

Other Languages[]

Language Official Name Literal Meaning
English Labyrista -
Korean 라비리스타

