Princess Connect Re:Dive Wiki

Kasumi is a Playable Character in Princess Connect! Re:Dive. She is a Guild Member of Caon.

Max Stats[]

Kasumi Box Icon
Max Stats

5 ★ / Level 227 / Rank 22 Equipment / Max Bond Lv / Include Rank Bonus
Physical Attack26
Magic Attack13190
Physical Critical0
Magic Critical306
Physical Defense740
Magic Defense1415
Physical Penetration0
Magic Penetration0
Normal Attack Speed2.27s
HP Recovery Rate153
TP Recovery Rate27
Wave HP Recovery1515
Wave TP Recovery233
HP Reduce Rate0
TP Reduce Rate21
Attack Range730
Move Speed450

5 ★ / Level 227 / Rank 22 Equipment / Lv 220 UE (Max) / Max Bond Lv / Include Rank Bonus
Physical Attack26
Magic Attack14027
Physical Critical0
Magic Critical306
Physical Defense776
Magic Defense1463
Physical Penetration0
Magic Penetration0
Normal Attack Speed2.27s
HP Recovery Rate153
TP Recovery Rate27
Wave HP Recovery1515
Wave TP Recovery233
HP Reduce Rate0
TP Reduce Rate21
Attack Range730
Move Speed450

※Includes Max Bond Bonuses From All Cards

Bond Level Bonus[]

Kasumi Bond Lv Bonus
2Magic Attack +15
3Magic Attack +15
4Magic Attack +30
5Magic Attack +40
6Magic Attack +60
7Magic Attack +60
8Magic Attack +90, Wave TP Recovery +60

Kasumi (Magical) Bond Lv Bonus
4Magic Attack +10
5Magic Attack +30
8Magic Attack +50

Kasumi (Summer) Bond Lv Bonus
4Magic Attack +10
5Magic Attack +30
8Magic Attack +50


Kasumi Box Icon

Union Burst
Criminal Prison
Skill gold(areadebuff)
Rank 1
Cast Time: 0.0s
Deploys a Field Around the 3rd farthest enemy.
Inflicts Icon-TPRateDown TP Gain Rate, Icon-MDefDown Magic Defense and Icon-ActSpeedDown Action Speed debuffs to all enemies within the Field.
[Skill Value]
Deploys a Field with a radius of 300 centered on the 3rd furthest enemy, lasting 16 seconds
Field effects:
- Reduces Magic Defense by [2.4* (Skill Lv + 1)]
- Reduces TP Gain Rate by 10
- Reduces Action Speed by 10%
Skill Animation
KasumiUB (gif)

Skill 1
Root of Binding
Skill silver(disrupt)
Rank 2
Cast Time: ?
Inflicts Magic Damage to all enemies within range.
Inflicts Icon-Bind Bind to all enemies within range.
[Skill Value]
Deals [3.4 * (Skill Lv + 1) + Magical Attack * 0.27] Magic Damage to all enemies within 800 range
Inflicts bind to all targets for 2.5 seconds

Skill 1 +
Root of Binding +
Skill silver(disrupt)
Rank 2 with Unique Equipment
Cast Time: ?
Inflicts Magic Damage to all enemies within range.
Inflict Icon-Bind Bind to all enemies within range.
Icon-Bind Bind duration increases proportionally to the amount of targets affected.
[Skill Value]
Deals [9 * (Skill Lv + 1) + Magical Attack * 0.72] Magic Damage to enemies within 800 range
Targets are binded for [2.5 + (0.2 * Enemies Affected)] seconds

Skill 2
Mislead Barrett
Skill silver(confuse)
Rank 4
Cast Time: ?
Inflict Magic Damage to the frontmost enemy.
Inflicts Icon-Confuse Confuse to the target.
[Skill Value]
Deal [8 * (Skill Lv + 1) + Magical Attack * 0.6] Magic Damage to the nearest enemy.
Confuse target for 7.5s

Ex Skill
Detective Mind
Skill bronze(handshield)
Rank 7
Cast Time: 0.0s
Medium increase to own Magic Defense at the start of battle.
[Skill Value]
Increase Magical Defense by [2 * (Skill Lv + 1)]

Ex Skill +
Detective Mind +
Skill bronze(handshield)
Rank 7
Uncap 5★
Cast Time: 0.0s
Large increase to own Magic Defense at the start of battle.
[Skill Value]
Increase Magical Defense by [32 + (2 * Skill Lv)]

Attack Pattern[]

Initial Pattern
Root of BindingMislead Barrett
Loop Pattern
Normal AttackNormal AttackRoot of BindingNormal AttackMislead Barrett


Requested Equipment

Rank 1
WandofFragrantWood WandofFragrantWood JourneyRobe FashionableBeret FightingBracelet ProtectivePendant

Rank 2
CompassionoftheUnicorn DoctorlessStaff SpringColorRobe WitchBoots FightingBracelet ProtectivePendant

Rank 3
CelestialSphere CompassionoftheUnicorn NordicRobe NunsHood BlueJewel GreenJewel

Rank 4
FlowerBudWand CelestialSphere WitchHeadband WitchHeadband PatternBracelet VictoryFriendshipBracelet

Rank 5
DevilsHorn FlowerBudWand CupidRobe WitchPalaceBoots PearlEarrings EmeraldEarrings

Rank 6
MoonWand DevilsHorn PhilosophersRobe WitchHat SorcerersGlasses OctogramPendant

Rank 7
RodofLife WizardHood DaemonsRobe LaurelsSorrow GuardianoftheLionKing SorcerersGlasses

Rank 8
PhoenixRod RodofLife SaintsRobe WizardBoots BangleofSubstitution LaurelsSorrow

Rank 9
HighAngelRod PhoenixRod GospelTiara SaintsRobe DragonsTear BangleofSubstitution

Rank 10
FlameRod HighAngelRod GhostMaiden GospelTiara BigWarriorsGem MoonBracelet

Rank 11
DivineBlossomRod FlameRod ShrineCloth AquariusBoots OceanEarrings CongregationPendant

Rank 12
AtlantisRod DivineBlossomRod EmpressRobe MourningCrown DivineBeastPrayer FairyStone

Rank 13
StellaSphere AtlantisRod ExomagiaRobe WhitePrayerMiter SophosBracelet SpiritTear

Rank 14
WorldTreeWand StellaSphere IceHeavenRobe BloodRubyHeel IceRibbon ShieldKingBangle

Rank 15
PhoenixStaff WorldTreeWand MirrorBoot IceHeavenRobe CrystalizedXenocrystal DragonHairOrnament

Rank 16
WhiteWaterStaff PhoenixStaff CelestialWingHat MirrorBoot ChaoticChoker WallBreath

Rank 17
WhitePearlStaff WhiteWaterStaff PrideOfRoses CelestialWingHat NoctureBrooch ElfinChoker

Rank 18
TripleIceRod WhitePearlStaff CrystalHeels PrideOfRoses DiamondStar HarpBrooch

Rank 19
CrystalRod TripleIceRod TartBeret CrystalHeels DonutChoker EvergreenRing

Rank 20
BlossomDanceWand CrystalRod BlossomStormHeels PancakeRobe RainEarrings MacaronPendant

Rank 21
Placeholder icon BlossomDanceWand Placeholder icon BlossomStormHeels Placeholder icon WhirlwindEarrings

Unique Equipment[]

Detective Loupe
Items stat
Mag.Attack: 70 (557)
Phys.Defense: 3 (24)
Mag.Defense: 4 (24)
Skill Upgrade
Skill silver(disrupt)
Root of Binding +
Inflicts Small Magic Damage to All Enemies in Range
Inflicts Binded on Targets
Binded Duration increased based on Number of Targets affected by this Skill. (Effect Added)

Gameplay Notes[]

Role-debuff Disruptor/Magic Support
  • Skill 1 able to Icon-Bind Bind enemies and Skill 2 able to Icon-Confuse Confuse them, these 2 effects are great at disrupting enemies.
  • UB reduces the Enemies Icon-TPRateDown TP Gain Rate, Icon-ActSpeedDown Action Speed and Icon-MDefDown Magic Defense.
  • Although UB's range is quite small, but the placement of the field makes it great for disrupting.
  • Fairly Strong Endurance for a backline support character.
  • She does little to no damage at all.
Unique Equipment
  • Skill 1's Stun duration increased based on number of targets binded by the skill.
6★ Ascension
  • This character has yet to obtain their 6★ Upgrade.

Other Languages[]

Language Official Name Literal Meaning
English Kasumi -
Korean -

Mist / Rosy Clouds

