Cast Time: 0s Inflicts Medium Magical Damage to All Enemies. Recover HPRecover HP Gain HP. to All Allies by Medium Amount.
[Skill Value] Deals [ 12 + 12 * Skill Lv + 1.08 * Magical Attack] Magical Damage to all enemy targets Restores [0.45 * Magical Attack + 6.0 + 6.0 * Skill Lv] HP to all friendly targets(Adjusted by Character's HP Recovery Rate)
Skill 1 Love Steal
Rank 2
Cast Time: 0.74s Inflicts Small Magical Damage to All Enemies within radius in Front. Recover HPRecover HP Gain HP. to the Ally with the Lowest HP % (HP Recovery Amount is Depend on How Many Targets are Hit by this skill)
[Skill Value] Deals [8 + 8 * Skill Lv + 0.6 * Magical Attack] Magical Damage to front enemy targets within 900 range Restores [(0.25 + 0.18 * Number of target) * Magical Attack + 4 + 4 * Skill Lv] HP to the lowest HP percentage friendly target.(Adjusted by Character's HP Recovery Rate)
Skill 1 + Love Steal +
Rank 2 with Unique Equipment
Cast Time: 0.74s Inflicts Small Magical Damage to All Enemies within radius in Front. Recover HPRecover HP Gain HP. to the Ally with the Lowest HP %. (HP Recovery Amount depends on how many targets are Hit by this skill)
[Skill Value] Deals [12 + 12 * Skill Lv + 1 * Magical Attack] Magical Damage to front enemy targets within 900 range Restores [(0.3 + 0.18 * Number of target) * Magical Attack + 5 + 5 * Skill Lv] HP to the lowest HP percentage friendly target.(Adjusted by Character's HP Recovery Rate)
Skill 2 Love Splash
Rank 4
Cast Time: 0.74s Inflicts Small Magical Damage to All Enemies within radius in Front. Reduce Targets Magic DefenseMagic Defense Down Increase Magic Damage taken. by Small Amount.
[Skill Value] Deals [4.5 + 4.5 * Skill Lv + 0.36 * Magical Attack] Magical Damage to front enemy targets within 900 range Reduces the Magical Defence of damaged targets by [0.375 + 0.375 * Skill Lv] for 12s
Ex Skill Love Summer Teaching
Rank 7
Cast Time: 0s Medium increase to own Magic Damage at the start of battle.
Inflicts Medium Magical Damage to All Enemies within radius in front. HP Recovery to the Ally with the Lowest HP % (HP Recovery Amount depends on how many targets are Hit by this skill)(Heal Increased)
Gameplay Notes[]
Hybrid Healer/Magic Attacker
UB and Skill 1 can Recover HPRecover HP Gain HP. for a good amount while doing damage.
Skill 2 can reduce Magic DefenseMagic Defense Down Increase Magic Damage taken. to enemies within a wide range.
All Skills do a decent amount of damage.
She is more fragile than most healers in the game.
Healing output is mediocre at lower equipment ranks.
Unique Equipment
Skill 1's range and damage has been increased further.
Potency of Skill 1's Recover HPRecover HP Gain HP. has been increased.
UE increases her defense, magic attack, and HP recovery.
6★ Ascension
This character has yet to obtain their 6★ Upgrade.