Cast Time: 0s Inflicts Large Magic Damage to all enemies within range. Recover HPRecover HP Gain HP. to self by a Moderate amount.
[Skill Value] Deals [27 * (1 + Skill Lv) + 2.16 * Magical Attack] Magic damage to all enemies within 250 range to nearest enemy Restores [0.6 * Magical Attack + 13.5 * (1 + Skill Lv)] HP to self
Skill Animation
Skill 1 Bloodthirsty Blast
Rank 2
Cast Time: 1.125s Moderate Magic AttackMagic Attack Up Increase Damage for Magic Attack and HP Recovery Skill Effect for Magic Unit. Boost to self. Inflict Moderate Magic Damage to the frontmost enemy. The user takes Damage Recoil after the damage is dealt.
[Skill Value] Deals [Magical Attack] Magic damage to self Raise Magical Attack of self by[11 * (1 + Skill Lv)] for 12s Deals [20 * (1 + Skill Lv) + 1.6 * Magical Attack] Magic damage to nearest enemy.
Skill 1+ Bloodthirsty Blast+
Rank 2 with Unique Equipment
Cast Time: 1.123s Moderate Magic AttackMagic Attack Up Increase Damage for Magic Attack and HP Recovery Skill Effect for Magic Unit. Boost to self. Inflict Large Magic Damage to the frontmost enemy. The user takes Damage Recoil after the damage is dealt.
[Skill Value] Deals [Magical Attack] Magic damage to self Raise Magical Attack of self by [13 * (1 + Skill Lv)] for 12s Deals [25 * (1 + Skill Lv + 2 * Magical Attack] Magic damage to nearest enemy.
Skill 2 Bloody Spear
Rank 4
Cast Time: 0.865s Inflicts Moderate Magic Damage to all Enemies within Range. The user takes Damage Recoil after the damage is dealt.
[Skill Value] Deals [Magical Attack] Magic damage to self Deals [15 * (1 + Skill Lv) + 1.2 * Magical Attack] Magic damage to front enemies within 600 range
Ex Skill Blood Pact
Rank 7
Cast Time: Passive Medium increase of Magical Damage at the start of battle.