Princess Connect Re:Dive Wiki
Princess Connect Re:Dive Wiki

Friend is a feature which enables players and their friends to have an easier time in the game via provide Support Units to them and set Arena Comp for them to testing and experimenting the comp. Players can have up to a maximum limit of 40 friends.

Friend Menu[]

Players can access Friend Menu via select Menu on the bottom navigation then select Friend (フレンド) button


After that, Friend Menu will be appeared with 4 buttons to select what you want to do.


1.Friend List (フレンド一覧) You can check the list of Friend you already added here, you can also unfriend here as well.

2.Friend Management (フレンド管理) You can find new friend, adding friend and accept friend request here.

3.Support Setting (サポート設定) You can set your support unit for friend and clan member to use in Main Quest, Dungeon, Clan Battle and Luna Tower here.

4.Friend Battle (フレンドバトル) You can set your PvP unit for friend and clan member to test the comp here, You can also challenge friend's PvP comp here as well.

Friend List[]


Here you can check the info about the friends that you are added, You can also press Unfriend (フレンド解除) button to remove the friend from your friendlist as well.

Friend Management[]

Friend Management have 3 tab which is

Pending Friend Request (申請中フレンド)[]


Here you can see the pending friend request that you have sent, You can also cancel the friend request by press Cancel (取り消す) button here. You can have up to 30 request pended at the same time.

Friend Request Approval List (承認待ちリスト)[]


Here you can see the list of friend request send to you. You can accept or refuse their friend request here. You can have up to 30 requests in the approval list in the same time.

To accept friend request, you have to press Accept (承認) button. After you confirmed, The dialogue will be shown to indicate that you add them into friendlist now.


If you want to refuse the friend request, you have to press Reject (拒否) button. After you confirmed, that friend request will be removed from your approval list. Note that they still able to send the friend request to you again later.

Finding Friend (フレンドを探す)[]


Here you can find and send friend request. Usually when you entering this tab it will shown the list of players that is in the same level range as you, you can simply sent them a friend request by press Send Friend Request (フレンド申請).

You can also find the friend via Player ID directly, to do so you will need to press Seacrh Setting (検索設定) button on the top right, It will prompted the option between Search via Player ID (プレイヤーID) or via Player Level Range (プレイヤーLv). Select Player ID option on the Top


Then input the Player ID of your friend, press Ok. If you put correct Player ID, the list will now shown the corresponding Player for you to send the friend request.


Then sent them a friend request by press Send Friend Request (フレンド申請). The Dialogue will be shown to indicate that you send them a friend request now.


Support Setting[]


You can set and change your support unit for friend and clan member to use in Main Quest, Dungeon, Clan Battle and Luna Tower here. Each time people using your support unit, you will recieve some amount of Mana that you can collected by remove that support unit from support list then put it back or replace it with new unit. You can only put support unit that isn't already used on other support slot and level of the support unit must be 10 or higher.

Note that your friend will be able to use your support unit for Main Quest only. Dungeon, Clan Battle and Luna Tower support can be only borrowed by Clan Member.

Friend Battle[]


You can set your PvP unit for friend and clan member to test the comp here, You can also challenge friend and clan Member's PvP comp here as well. There are two tab that seperate the list between your friend and your clan member. Doing PvP here doesn't cost anything and you can gain some achievement and title mission so you can enjoy you Battle Arena comp testing or showing off your unit to your friend as much as you like here. One player can set up to 3 comp here.

To set the PvP comp, press Friend Battle Comp (フレンドバトル編成) on the top left.


PvP Comp Setting box will be prompted up, You can freely edit your comp unit and change the party name from here.
