Princess Connect Re:Dive Wiki

Eriko is a Playable Character in Princess Connect! and Princess Connect! Re:Dive. A demon girl who incites fear against those unfortunate to meet her axe. She is a Guild Member of Twilight Caravan.

Max Stats[]

Eriko Box Icon
Max Stats

5 ★ / Level 227 / Rank 22 Equipment / Max Bond Lv / Include Rank Bonus
Physical Attack24477
Magic Attack13
Physical Critical1062
Magic Critical0
Physical Defense357
Magic Defense300
Physical Penetration0
Magic Penetration0
Normal Attack Speed1.425s
HP Recovery Rate30
TP Recovery Rate32
Wave HP Recovery1345
Wave TP Recovery132
HP Reduce Rate6
TP Reduce Rate0
Attack Range230
Move Speed450

5 ★ / Level 227 / Rank 22 Equipment / Lv 220 UE (Max) / Max Bond Lv / Include Rank Bonus
Physical Attack25493
Magic Attack13
Physical Critical1301
Magic Critical0
Physical Defense357
Magic Defense300
Physical Penetration0
Magic Penetration0
Normal Attack Speed1.425s
HP Recovery Rate30
TP Recovery Rate56
Wave HP Recovery1345
Wave TP Recovery132
HP Reduce Rate6
TP Reduce Rate0
Attack Range230
Move Speed450

※Includes Max Bond Bonuses From All Cards

Bond Level Bonus[]

Eriko Bond Lv Bonus
2Physical Attack +15
3Physical Attack +15
4Physical Attack +30
5Physical Attack +40
6Physical Attack +60
7Physical Attack +60
8Physical Attack +110

Eriko (Valentine) Bond Lv Bonus
4Physical Attack +10
5Physical Attack +30
8Physical Attack +50

Eriko (Summer) Bond Lv Bonus
4Physical Attack +10
5Physical Attack +30
8Physical Attack +50


Eriko Box Icon

Union Burst
Deadly Discipline
Skill gold(sword)
Rank 1
Cast Time: 0s
Inflicts Large Physical Damage to the frontmost enemy.
If the target is defeated by this skill, apply a Large Icon-PAtkUp Physical Attack buff to the user.
[Skill Value]
Deals [60.0+60.0*Skill Lv+4.5*Physical Attack] Physical damage to the nearest enemy. If the target dies, raises Physical Attack by [22.5 + 22.5 * Skill Lv], lasting 18 seconds
Skill Animation
ErikoUB (gif)

Skill 1
Skill silver(buff)
Rank 2
Cast Time: 1.125s
Apply a Small Icon-PAtkUp Physical Attack buff to the user.
[Skill Value]
Raises Physical Attack by [7.5 + 7.5 * Skill Lv], lasting 12 seconds

Skill 1+
Skill silver(buff)
Rank 2 with Unique Equipment
Cast Time: 1.125s
Apply a Large Icon-PAtkUp Physical Attack buff to the user.
Apply a Massive Icon-PAtkUp Physical Attack and Icon-CritRateUp Physical Crit Rate buff to the user for a Short duration.
[Skill Value]
Raises Physical Attack by [20.0 + 20.0 * Skill Lv], lasting 12 seconds.
Raises Physical Attack by [90.0 + 90.0 * Skill Lv], lasting 7.5 seconds
Raises Physical Critical Rate by 400, lasting 7.5 seconds

Skill 2
Poison Mist
Skill silver(poison)
Rank 4
Cast Time: 1.125s
Inflicts Moderate Physical Damage to the frontmost enemy.
Inflicts Icon-Poison Poison to the target for a Short duration.
[Skill Value]
Deals [15.0 + 15.0 * Skill Lv + 1.2 * Physical Attack] Physical damage to the nearest enemy target
Inflicts Poison on target, dealing [2.0+2.0*Skill lv.] damage per second, lasting 8 seconds.

Ex Skill
Unrelenting Obsession
Skill Silver(armbuff)
Rank 7
Cast Time: Passive
Moderate increase to own Physical Attack at the start of battle.
[Skill Value]
Raises the Physical by[15.0+15.0*Skill Lv.]

Ex Skill +
Unrelenting Obsession+
Skill Silver(armbuff)
Rank 7
Uncap 5★
Cast Time: Passive
Large increase to own Physical Attack at the start of battle.
[Skill Value]
Raises the Physical by[240+15.0*Skill Lv.]

Attack Pattern[]

Initial Pattern

Obsession 1 → Poison Mist 2

Loop Pattern

Normal AttackPoison Mist 2 → Normal AttackPoison Mist 2 → Normal AttackObsession 1


Requested Equipment

Rank 1
OneHandedAxe OneHandedAxe TreeShield OneHandedAxe MotivationalBracelet MotivationalBracelet

Rank 2
HighMetalAxe MetalAxe ClothesofWisdom MetalAxe MotivationalBracelet MotivationalBracelet

Rank 3
BlueSphereAxe HighMetalAxe LightPlate HighMetalAxe RedJewel RedJewel

Rank 4
LionsBattleAxe BlueSphereAxe FashionArmor BlueSphereAxe SpikeBangle SpikeBangle

Rank 5
LightningAxe LionsBattleAxe CupidRobe LionsBattleAxe Opal Earrings Opal Earrings

Rank 6
ShiryuuAxe LightningAxe HeavyMetalArmor LionsBattleAxe LionFeather LionFeather

Rank 7
HellFireAxe ShiryuuAxe InvisibleDress LightningAxe ScarletDiamond LionFeather

Rank 8
QueensBattleAxe HellFireAxe MythrilPlate ShiryuuAxe ElementalHeart ScarletDiamond

Rank 9
AquaSlasher QueensBattleAxe CrusaderPlate HellFireAxe SunAmulet ElementalHeart

Rank 10
NecrodimAxe AquaSlasher ScarletMail QueensBattleAxe CatGodPendant SunAmulet

Rank 11
DivineJudgementAxe NecrodimAxe PhantasmMail AquaSlasher MilleniumEarrings Firering

Rank 12
GaiaAxe DivineJudgementAxe InfernalGreave NecrodimAxe FuryDragonPendant MilleniumEarrings

Rank 13
DivineRoarAxe GaiaAxe DemonFightSuit DivineJudgementAxe WargodArm FuryDragonPendant

Rank 14
MachineAxe DivineRoarAxe DarkRobe GaiaAxe FireHairpin WargodArm

Rank 15
TurquoiseNoah MachineAxe SoulRose DivineRoarAxe ScarletDragonRing FireHairpin

Rank 16
ClawAxe TurquoiseNoah SouthernCelestialArmor MachineAxe RubyChoker ScarletDragonRing

Rank 17
BrassAxe ClawAxe LilyPlate TurquoiseNoah ClarionBrooch RubyChoker

Rank 18
Placeholder icon BrassAxe Placeholder icon ClawAxe RubyRoseRing ClarionBrooch

Unique Equipment[]

No Mercy
Items stat
Physical Attack: 80
Physical Critical Rate: 25
TP Gain Rate: 2
Skill Upgrade
Skill silver(buff)
Obsession +
Apply a Small Icon-PAtkUp Physical Attack buff to the user.
Apply a Massive Icon-PAtkUp Physical Attack and Icon-CritRateUp Physical Crit Rate buff to the user for a Short duration. (Effect Added)

Other Languages[]

Language Official Name Literal Meaning
English Eriko -
Korean -

