Union Burst Sovereign of Ocean Conqueror - Draconic Riptide Slashes of Hellish Gales
Rank 1
Cast Time: 0s Inflict Large Magic Damage to All Enemies in Range. Increase own Magic AttackMagic Attack Up Increase Damage for Magic Attack and HP Recovery Skill Effect for Magic Unit. by a Large Amount. Increase own Magic Crit DamageMagic Critical Damage Up Increase Magic Damage deal when Critical Hit landed. by a Small Amount.
[Skill Value] Deal [27 * (1 + Skill Lv) + 2.16 * Magic Attack] Magic damage to enemies in [600] Range. Increase Magic Attack by [26 * (1 + Skill lv)] for [180s]. Increase Magic Crit Damage by [2%] for [180s]
Skill 1 Rakshasa Nirvana - Bane from the Sea
Rank 2
Cast Time: -s Inflict Moderate Magic Damage to All Enemies in Range. Reduce Magic DefenseMagic Defense Down Increase Magic Damage taken. of the target by a Small Amount.
[Skill Value] Deal [12.5 * (1 + Skill Lv) + 1 * Physical Attack] Magic damage to enemies in [600] Range. Reduce Magic Defence by [0.6 * (1 + Skill lv)] for [12s].
Cast Time: -s Inflict Moderate Magic Damage to All Enemies in Range. Increase own TP Gain RateTP Gain Rate Up Increase TP gain from Performing Action,Skill and Taking Damage. by a Small amount. Reduce the user's remaining HP by 30%. The amount reduced can be increased to the user's current Magic Attack to a Maximum of 60%.
[Skill Value] Deal [15 * (1 + Skill Lv) + 1.6 * Magic Attack] Magic damage to enemies in [600] Range. Increase TP Boost to self by [20]. Reduce the user's remaining HP by [(30 + Magic Attack * 0.0003)%], maximum of [60%].
Ex Skill Curse of the Azure Abyssal Demon
Rank 7
Cast Time: Passive Moderate increase to own Magic Attack at the start of battle.
UB and both Skills 1 and 2 can deal a hefty amount of damage and has a large range.
UB's Magic AttackMagic Attack Up Increase Damage for Magic Attack and HP Recovery Skill Effect for Magic Unit. and Magic Crit DamageMagic Critical Damage Up Increase Magic Damage deal when Critical Hit landed. lasts for the entire wave and increases by a huge amount.
Skill 1 can reduce a decent amount of Magic DefenseMagic Defense Down Increase Magic Damage taken..
Skill 2 can increase her own TP Gain RateTP Gain Rate Up Increase TP gain from Performing Action,Skill and Taking Damage. by an absurd amount only with a somewhat moderate cost of her remaining HP (30%).
Skill 2's HP Cost can scale with her M.Atk stat, which can increase the cost to 60% of her own remaining HP at maximum.
Although she is decently tough with a good amount of Def and HP, her being a Frontline Mage with an HP Costing Skill is extremely risky to run in magic comps. She will have to end up tanking as a result.
Still low Base Def and HP.
Unique Equipment
This character has yet to receive their Unique Equipment.
6★ Ascension
This Character has yet to receive their 6★ Upgrade.